Law of consecration

In the Latter Day Saint movement (also known as Mormonism), the term law of consecration was first used in 1831 by Joseph Smith and was a doctrine of covenanted Christian communalism.

The Law of Consecration, as practiced by the Latter Day Saints, was for the support of the poor (Doctrine and Covenants 42:30). Latter Day Saints were asked to voluntarily deed (consecrate) their property to the Church of Christ, and the church then would assign to each member a "stewardship" of property "as much as is sufficient for himself and family" for his "needs, wants, family, and circumstances."[1][2] If consecrated property became more than was sufficient for the assigned steward, the "residue" was "to be consecrated unto the bishop" kept for the benefit of "those who have not, from time to time, that every man who has need may be amply supplied and receive according to his wants."[3]


On February 4, 1831, Smith claimed to receive a revelation calling Edward Partridge to be the first bishop of the church.[4] Five days later, on February 9. 1831, Smith claimed to receive another revelation detailing the Law of Consecration.[5]

See also
